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Monday, August 13, 2007

Weighing in

After reading Sandy's recent blog entry where she posted the weights of her (not so little) twins, we got curious about Lexi's weight. Since she is not going into the doctor again for a while and Kristi won't let me put her on the bulk food scale at Tops, we did an unofficial weight check using the carrier and the bathroom scale. She weighed in at 9.8 lbs (approx 9 lbs 13 oz. The bathroom scale is precise to .2 lbs) We were surprised to see she weighed this much. We should have guessed since she has moved out of newborn diapers and is starting to outgrow some of her newborn clothes.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

What's new

It's been a little while since I've made a blog post, so I sure all of you are dying to know what is new with Lexi. This past week, Lexi went to her first Kingdom Bound. Kristi and Lexi joined the youth group and myself at Darien Lake for three of the four days. She did very well up there. Inf fact she was awake and content for an entire worship set that Kristi and I were at. From what Kristi said, Lexi was very happy to stay home on Wednesday, being in a familiar place and being held much more than on the past few days.

She is staying awake and alert much more between feedings. This is good and bad, since she has yet to realize she can do and grab things with her hands. She will get bored and fussy if she runs out of interesting things to look at. She is getting much better at holding her head up. If she is laying on her stomach or being held, she will lift up her head and look around.

The above picture was taken earlier today. I set Lexi down next to Jasper. Surprisingly Jasper didn't get up and move. Lexi was fascinated by being next to the cat. Jasper even let her lean over and touch him. If you are interested in a size comparison of how Lexi has grown, here is a picture of her and Jasper taken shortly after she came home from the hospital:

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Grandpa at the base picnic

Today at the family picnic at the air base, Grandpa Crosby had a chance to show off his granddaughter. Of course, grandpa wasn't the only one who got to show Lexi off. She made the rounds and got oohs and aahs from the people in Dad's shop too.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Baby Math

Lexi has recently started to sleep longer at night. Normally, one would think the end result of this would be better sleep for me. That's where the baby math factors in. Previously, she would sleep two or three hours at a time. Our routine has been that Kristi would give Lexi to me after her last feeding of the night and we would sleep on the couch until she woke up for her next feeding. This would usually fall around 2-3am. I would then change her, hand her off to Kristi for a late night feeding, and I would get a couple hours more sleep before I had to go to work. The past couple nights, she has been sleeping 5-6 hours overnight. This now has her waking up about an hour before my alarm goes off. Hopefully we'll now be able to get her to sleep overnight in her bassinet so I can actually get some sleep in the bed.