Lilypie 1st Birthday PicLilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, July 29, 2007

One Month Old

Time flies when you're having fun (or lacking sleep). Today, Lexi is one month old. She's been growing like a weed. Our rough estimate is she now weighs around 8 pounds. Since it will be another month before she goes back to the doctor, we don't know for sure. (My solution was to use the bulk food scale at Tops, but Kristi vetoed that.)
She is much more alert now. She'll have a couple times a day where she is wide awake looking around. The other day when we were over at a friend's house and being held by someone else, she was looking around for Mom or Dad when she heard one of us talking. We've also observed her picking up her head and looking around when laying on her stomach.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Hot Rod Lexi

We just got back from Canal Fest. While we were there, we met up with Grandma and Grandpa Spitzer who were there for the car show. Here's some pictures of Lexi with Grandpa's Vet.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Video of Lexi

Here's a short video of Lexi getting some tummy time.

200th Geocache

I just got back from finding my 200th geocache.  (Hey, not everything on this blog has do do with Lexi)  The milestone cache was A Return To Nature.  This is one of four caches located in Bond Lake park, and the second of two caches today.  Having found the other two caches in the park previously, I have now found all the caches at Bond Lake. 

For those of you not familiar with Geocaching, it is a sport here one looks for hidden containers using a gps.  The coordinates for geocaches can be found at  The hidden containers can range in size from a film canister or magnetic key locker to a Rubbermaid container or ammo can, and can be hidden just about anywhere.  Common hiding places range from parking lots to city parks to hiking trials in the woods.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

The doctor is in

Lexi had her two week check-up today.  The doctor said she is doing very well.  She weighed in at 6 lbs 9.5 oz and measured 20" long. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Back to work

I started back to work on Monday. It's defiantly different now with a baby who wants to be fed every couple of hours. Kristi's been pretty good about letting me sleep overnight.

On another note, this past Sunday the three of us went to Kristi's family reunion. Lexi made quite an impression among the Tubbs clan, but she wasn't the main attraction of the day. We were also celebrating Grandma Nell's 90th birthday.

Friday, July 6, 2007

One week...

It's hard to believe that Lexi's first week has come and gone. During the past week, she has entertained scores of visitors, been to all three sets of Grandparents' houses and been a perfect little angel the entire time. . .

Then she proceeded to keep us up all night. . .

Things are getting better, however. Mom and baby are both starting to get the hang of feeding and we are getting onto a schedule. Lexi is getting more alert every day. We swear she'll be rolling over before we know it. She'll have no idea what she's doing, but she'll be rolling over.

I'm sure the next couple weeks will be just as exciting as the past week has been.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Some more pictures.

Here's a couple more picture links for your viewing pleasure:

Webnursery page 1
Webnursery page 2

These are pictures taken at the hospital by their photographer [while she (Lexi, not the photographer) was being a hungry pill]. You will need a password to get into these sites. The password is our last name. If you can't figure out what that is, e-mail me (and I will make fun of you).

Some pictures

Lexi Birth 028
Originally uploaded by rwcrosby

I'm sure there have been people out there chomping at the bit to see pictures. I have uploaded the pictures I have to flickr. The link for the pictures is as follows:
I'll put a link to this page on the side bar soon.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy Independence Day

I just wanted to wish everyone a happy Independence Day.  As you enjoy yourselves at you picnics and parties, just remember to give thanks for living somewhere in which we have the freedom that we do.  Fly your flag proudly.  (Which I will if the rain lets up)

Monday, July 2, 2007

Welcome home

We made it home yesterday afternoon. As soon as we came in the cats were cautiously curious about this little, squirming, funny smelling thing we had with us. Pumpkin for the most part will keep a safe distance. Hi is, however, slowing working up the courage to get closer. Jasper on the other hand has been intrigued with her, especially when she cries.

We were both able to get some sleep last night. I took Lexi in between feedings, allowing Mom to get some sleep. After her last overnight feeding, Lexi and I took a pretty good nap together on the couch in the Living room.

I'm off of work this week to help Kristi out and give her that extra set of hands when needed.